Mindfulness and Meditation for Overachievers, Perfectionsists, and Busy Brains

  • Have you tried meditation or considered it, but think your mind is way too busy to settle down?

  • Does your brain sometimes feel even busier when you try to meditate, as if all the thoughts are coming to the surface? 

  • Do you have a very full schedule that makes fitting in one more thing difficult?

  • Do you find yourself resisting meditation, because it feels like a detour from getting things done? At the same time, do you think you should meditate because it could be so good for you?

  • Do you notice a pattern in your life of seeking achievements and approval? You wonder what it would be like to just stop, but that’s hard, because you like learning, growing, achieving, doing stuff, and being productive?

  • Do you have an inner critic that says things like, “not good enough” and “you should”? Do you also sometimes criticize others out loud or in your head, and then regret it?

  • Do you always have a list? 

  • Did you find the typo on this page? I left it for us to practice letting things be even when not perfect.

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