Tag Archives: forward head posture

forward head posture

Fix Forward Head Posture with 2 Simple Steps

Are you concerned about forward head posture?

You’re in the right place.

I call forward head posture “The Turkey Neck.” I use this phrase because it looks like a turkey neck, and because it helps me and my students remember this bad posture habit and remember what to do about it.

The #1 way to address forward head posture is to exercise like a turkey.

Check out this 2 min video to see how to do it.

In addition to the forward head exercise, there’s another very important step to help you address it long-term.

Recruit a posture partner. Ask your posture partner to tell you when they see you with forward head posture, by saying, “Turkey!” or “Turkey Neck!” You can do the same for them – with kindness, of course.

Forward head posture is really important because for every inch that your head is forward of ideal alignment, it can create up to 10 pounds of strain, or force, on your neck and back muscles. This can cause pain, stiffness, pinched nerves, and literally tip you off balance.

To improve your posture, you need awareness (a reality check), the right exercises that get results, and accountability. 

Book a complimentary consultation today to get started!